Activism Sustainability

Congress Attempts To Kill Clean Water

New Legislation Aims To Destroy The Long Standing Clean Water Act. 



     So while everyone is watching Casey Anthony, Rupert Murdoch and the debt ceiling fight, the Congress has passed a nasty little piece of legislation, or rather gutted an old one with a new one.

     The Clean Water Act of 1972 has greatly improved our rivers and streams. Rivers used to catch on fire, and many are still unusable, or have restricted uses (i.e. you cannot eat fish you catch) but they have greatly improved in the last 30 years. The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, House Resolution 2018, proposes to kill, or at least maim the Clean Water Act. It’s already been passed in the Congress, and soon goes to the Senate.

Under this new legislation individual states would be free to abuse rivers and lakes based on their perception of what is good for their state. This means fracking or coal mining would be more likely to be approved in areas where the polluted water just runs over some arbitrary man-made boundary. They could choose to ignore the needs of those downstream and in neighboring states despite the consequences in favor of jobs and money for their own state.


Can you imagine the countdown to destruction that will happen as states agree to lower their water quality standards to attract new industries? Each state trying to outdo the others as they have in the financial world. This bill is cronyism at its worst. The environment, the wildlife and we the people are going to lose, while corporations make millions abusing the waterways of America. This bill must be stopped!

 You can Email your Senator here

Or you may phone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.









Activism Animal Rights Environmentalism

Agricultural Gag Bill Set To Be Passed In New York.

A New York Bill Targets Animal Activists And Protects Abusive Farm Practices By Large Factory Farmers.


     In 2009 a small group of animal activists called Mercy For Animals recorded a video at Willet Dairy in Locke, NY. I want everyone to see it, but I must warn you it is GRAPHIC, do not watch it if you are sensitive to torture or eating…seriously. It shows how a factory farm or Closed Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) really works. There is cruelty to animals, environmental destruction from manure in concentrated areas, and just an overall “production over quality” mentality. Groups such as Mercy For Animals do not let the animals go, they do not hurt the farmer physically, they do all of their work non-violently with a video camera, undercover, doing what the USDA should be doing. And yet  states such as Iowa, Florida and Minnesota, have tried to ban such whistleblowing, and now New York joins the fray.

     S5172-2011 is a bill introduced in the NY Senate to ban these undercover investigations by “unauthorized parties.” The reason that is given by the bills sponsor, Patty Ritchie, is that this bill is for food security and to fight the Drug War. The summary of the bill reads in part:

While working with the Departments of Homeland Security as well as local law enforcement,it has become clear from several recent instances of animal and facility tampering (the unlawful injection of cattle with antibiotics in Western New York, and the increasing theft of anhydrous ammonia fertilizer, utilized by meth addicts to make illegal substances) that the tools for law enforcement and for farmers to help secure their premises are not always accurate.”

     I am not sure what they mean by saying the tools are not “accurate”, but in any case as you read the rest of the bill you find there is no other mention of anhydrous ammonia (a horrible nitrate based fertilizer and possible ingredient in crystal methamphetamine), and little mention of food security,in fact the bills author never actually uses the words food security again. This is in addition the overall attack on environmental and animal rights activists in the US.  So you may ask what is in bill S5172-2011?

      Well mostly lettered sections of legal definitions of the words A. farm animal, B. farm, C. release, D. person, E. notice etc. It is when you get to section F  that you find the actual purpose of the bill. It does not give a harsher sentence for persons posing as a farm employee to get meth ingredients, or special provisions against food terrorism, instead it bans:


     None of this has to do with food security, only corporate security. If the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Dept. Of Agriculture (USDA) do not do their jobs, you could actually get up to a year in jail, and a fine, not to mention legal fees (for both sides), and even the possibility of paying for the animal if you release it, IF you or your group decides to try to do an undercover report with a video camera. This law is obviously written to stem the efforts of groups like PETA, not to stop terrorists or illegal drug makers.

     On top of this Draconian laws provisions, are the lack of exemptions which are also telling. “Farm Animals” covered by this bill are “Any warm or cold blooded animal which is being used in the production of food or fiber for agricultural purposes.” First of all, I am not sure what “cold blooded animals” live on New York farms, and second, this means ANY farm animal you see being mistreated or abused, and then video record it for proof, could put you in legal limbo. Does a dog who works on a farm count here? If the dog is being used “in the production process”, such as a shepherd, recording its abuse, or attempting to save it, would land you in court and possibly jail. Trying to save ANY animal that lives on a farm becomes almost impossible. Its ridiculous, and it DOES NOT make food safer or stop drug proliferation.

     If you live in New York or Iowa, call your state rep, your Governor, even your local politicians and tell them you do not want to see S5172-2011 pass, if you live outside of New York or Iowa, call anyways, keep calling lets flood these animal haters with mail, phonecalls, anything to stop this attack on activists and the animals they protect!

*if you like this article I recommend Will Potters book, “Green Is The New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege.”

Activism Environmentalism

The Film "Pick Axe": An Activist Success Story!

A Heartwarming Environmental Story That Will Make You Smile; It’s One of My Favorites, Maybe It Will Be Yours Too!

Pick Axe, though filmed in 1999, is a heartening film that documents the work of environmental activists taking a stand to protect an old growth forest from logging at Warner Creek in the Willamette National Forest of Oregon.  While old growth forests are technically considered protected land, after a forest fire (possibly the result of arsen in this case), it was opened up to logging as “salvage” wood.  Now forest fires are a natural part of a forest’s life cycle and given time to recover, they will actualy strengthen a forest and its ecosystems.  This of course can’t happen if those trees are cut in the meantime.  The community of activists that came to be known as “Cascadia Free State” protected this chunk of forest by occupying and blockading the logging road for many months keeping out loggers and police alike.

There are two things that made me fall in love with this film.  The first is the incredible community that was formed.  The film is crafted by the activists themselves and gives a very true picture of what their time on that logging road was like.  The second is that there is a happy ending (who doesn’t like those?).  In the end, Warner Creek was saved and the activists who were arrested (toward the end of the film) were set free.

I watch this film every time I start to feel disheartened or frustrated about the effectiveness of working for change.  It is hard not feel disempowered when you are up against people with so much money and power.  But the fact is, people have brought about change in the past, and that knowledge should empower us to bring about change in the present and the future.  You may not be able to save the entire planet, but you can work to better your corner of it and when we all put our efforts together, who knows what we have yet to achieve!

Below is the film in its entirety. Enjoy!