Activism Environmentalism Fracking Green Energy Nature Solar Sustainability Wind

Is Obama Set To Be The Worst Environmental President Ever?

As pressure mounts with the upcoming election season is President Obama on track to be the worst environmental President ever? And why are more people not talking about it?


President Obama made many promises that captured the imagination of young and old liberal Americans, now some years later we see he is just a politician like all the others. He will make “pie in the sky” promises to get elected, but when its time deliver you get only excuses about how hard it is, or how his former position is somehow no longer valid. It is ok to change one’s position on an issue as new information becomes available, this is rational I will agree. But how can continuing, escalating and adding to Americas wars in any way be good? He promised to close Guantanamo Bay, immigration reform, create green jobs, take action on climate change, reform healthcare etc, etc. You could argue he has done what he can, but I do not believe that. So here are some of the bigger fails of the Obama environmental policy.



  Tar Sands and Pipelines.


   Recently held a two week sit in, the White House’s response to this peaceful protest? The Park Police/ D.C SWAT team arrested 1,252 people, even a few famous ones. The Keystone XL pipeline is a danger to eco-systems from Alberta, Canada to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and even as far east as Patoka, Illinois. The Keystone XL has been and is being built in phases. Phase one is from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, Kansas then on to Patoka, Illinois, with a stop off in Wood River Il, this was 1853 miles of pipe completed in June of 2010. Phase 2 was from Steele City to Cushing Ok, another 300 miles of pipe that was completed in Feb. 2011. Proposed by 2013 is a 435 mile extension from Cushing to Port Arthur and Houston Texas, AND another 1,179 miles in a second pipeline from Hardisty to Steele City. The second pipeline is to cross the Bakken formation, to tap domestic oil in pristine lands in Montana and North Dakota, yet another amazing violation of nature for only about a one year supply of oil in the Bakken formation, and oil in the tar sands that takes 10 calories of energy to produce one calorie of oil, that’s a major energy loss.

air polution graph

Air Pollution

     Recently a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, author and scientist named  Joe Romm said that allowing Presidents Bush’s proposed smog regulations to be realized would have been better than President Obama’s recent decision to eliminate regulations all together. He did so after asking the environmental organizations to drop pending lawsuits, then he did the opposite of what was promised.

Joe Romm on Countdown




Oil Drilling

     Under President Obama we had the worlds largest environmental disaster in world history. Of course the Gulf of Mexico/ Deepwater Horizon oil spill was not Obama’s fault, but how he and his team handled it IS his fault. And immediately following the final plugging of this well, the President almost immediately allowed drilling permits again, even with no revision of safety and drilling procedures, AND without Haliburton going out of business for their millionth deadly mistake.  And while he was at it, the President recently added exploration in Alaska, even more than President Bush had proposed.



     As Appalachian communities suffer from disease, environmental devastation, excessive flooding and water contamination caused by mountaintop coal removal, the President still has not reduced coal usage, or even tried. . The President has had ample time and backing from the Environmental Protection Agency, Army corps of Engineers and the Dept. of Interior, and yet he supported scams like cap and trade and “clean coal”. First of all I think most of us know the pitfalls of cap and trade, but something that I want Americans to know is that there is no such thing as clean coal. From harvest to burn its dirty EVERY step of the way.



Nuclear Power

     Nuclear power is often said to be the “clean” alternative, and though it may “burn” more cleanly than coal or oil, it produces waste that cannot be disposed of. On top of this the tsunami in Japan recently pointed out how easy it is to have an accidental meltdown as we do somewhere in the world every decade or so.



C.A.F.O.  Closed Animal Feeding Operations and Factory Farms

Though seldom discussed, a lot of pollution, greenhouse gasses and water waste are in the agricultural field. I have never hear the words “factory farm” or CAFO from any Presidents mouth, let alone the “environmental President” which Obama had been labeled when he was elected.


These are only a few of the lies and short sighted policies that Obama has furthered and that our former leaders used to get us where we are. A lot of promises have fallen to the altar of jobs, I hope all those who want oil drilling or coal mining jobs know they are not providing for their children, but killing them. Obama is sending us up the river with no paddle, and water so polluted that the boat will soon begin to melt…we are sinking…hope you can all swim in coal sludge and nitrates.


Or maybe you can all just vote for a better candidate, like our family dog Sappho

Activism Sustainability

Congress Attempts To Kill Clean Water

New Legislation Aims To Destroy The Long Standing Clean Water Act. 



     So while everyone is watching Casey Anthony, Rupert Murdoch and the debt ceiling fight, the Congress has passed a nasty little piece of legislation, or rather gutted an old one with a new one.

     The Clean Water Act of 1972 has greatly improved our rivers and streams. Rivers used to catch on fire, and many are still unusable, or have restricted uses (i.e. you cannot eat fish you catch) but they have greatly improved in the last 30 years. The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, House Resolution 2018, proposes to kill, or at least maim the Clean Water Act. It’s already been passed in the Congress, and soon goes to the Senate.

Under this new legislation individual states would be free to abuse rivers and lakes based on their perception of what is good for their state. This means fracking or coal mining would be more likely to be approved in areas where the polluted water just runs over some arbitrary man-made boundary. They could choose to ignore the needs of those downstream and in neighboring states despite the consequences in favor of jobs and money for their own state.


Can you imagine the countdown to destruction that will happen as states agree to lower their water quality standards to attract new industries? Each state trying to outdo the others as they have in the financial world. This bill is cronyism at its worst. The environment, the wildlife and we the people are going to lose, while corporations make millions abusing the waterways of America. This bill must be stopped!

 You can Email your Senator here

Or you may phone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.









Activism Animal Rights Environmentalism

Agricultural Gag Bill Set To Be Passed In New York.

A New York Bill Targets Animal Activists And Protects Abusive Farm Practices By Large Factory Farmers.


     In 2009 a small group of animal activists called Mercy For Animals recorded a video at Willet Dairy in Locke, NY. I want everyone to see it, but I must warn you it is GRAPHIC, do not watch it if you are sensitive to torture or eating…seriously. It shows how a factory farm or Closed Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) really works. There is cruelty to animals, environmental destruction from manure in concentrated areas, and just an overall “production over quality” mentality. Groups such as Mercy For Animals do not let the animals go, they do not hurt the farmer physically, they do all of their work non-violently with a video camera, undercover, doing what the USDA should be doing. And yet  states such as Iowa, Florida and Minnesota, have tried to ban such whistleblowing, and now New York joins the fray.

     S5172-2011 is a bill introduced in the NY Senate to ban these undercover investigations by “unauthorized parties.” The reason that is given by the bills sponsor, Patty Ritchie, is that this bill is for food security and to fight the Drug War. The summary of the bill reads in part:

While working with the Departments of Homeland Security as well as local law enforcement,it has become clear from several recent instances of animal and facility tampering (the unlawful injection of cattle with antibiotics in Western New York, and the increasing theft of anhydrous ammonia fertilizer, utilized by meth addicts to make illegal substances) that the tools for law enforcement and for farmers to help secure their premises are not always accurate.”

     I am not sure what they mean by saying the tools are not “accurate”, but in any case as you read the rest of the bill you find there is no other mention of anhydrous ammonia (a horrible nitrate based fertilizer and possible ingredient in crystal methamphetamine), and little mention of food security,in fact the bills author never actually uses the words food security again. This is in addition the overall attack on environmental and animal rights activists in the US.  So you may ask what is in bill S5172-2011?

      Well mostly lettered sections of legal definitions of the words A. farm animal, B. farm, C. release, D. person, E. notice etc. It is when you get to section F  that you find the actual purpose of the bill. It does not give a harsher sentence for persons posing as a farm employee to get meth ingredients, or special provisions against food terrorism, instead it bans:


     None of this has to do with food security, only corporate security. If the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Dept. Of Agriculture (USDA) do not do their jobs, you could actually get up to a year in jail, and a fine, not to mention legal fees (for both sides), and even the possibility of paying for the animal if you release it, IF you or your group decides to try to do an undercover report with a video camera. This law is obviously written to stem the efforts of groups like PETA, not to stop terrorists or illegal drug makers.

     On top of this Draconian laws provisions, are the lack of exemptions which are also telling. “Farm Animals” covered by this bill are “Any warm or cold blooded animal which is being used in the production of food or fiber for agricultural purposes.” First of all, I am not sure what “cold blooded animals” live on New York farms, and second, this means ANY farm animal you see being mistreated or abused, and then video record it for proof, could put you in legal limbo. Does a dog who works on a farm count here? If the dog is being used “in the production process”, such as a shepherd, recording its abuse, or attempting to save it, would land you in court and possibly jail. Trying to save ANY animal that lives on a farm becomes almost impossible. Its ridiculous, and it DOES NOT make food safer or stop drug proliferation.

     If you live in New York or Iowa, call your state rep, your Governor, even your local politicians and tell them you do not want to see S5172-2011 pass, if you live outside of New York or Iowa, call anyways, keep calling lets flood these animal haters with mail, phonecalls, anything to stop this attack on activists and the animals they protect!

*if you like this article I recommend Will Potters book, “Green Is The New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege.”

Bicycling Environmentalism Green Energy Sustainability

Bicycle Programs Could Help The Economy And Create Jobs



The Future

Investment in bike paths and infrastructure will not only improve our economy, and take our country in the right direction for our future; it is precisely the kind of investment the American people want and need.

So here are a few stimulating ways to fit bikes into the future.


clip_image001 Rental/Free Use Program – Some cities have a bike rental or free bike program. You drop a dollar in a slot, use the bike as long as you need, and then return it to any station for your money back, similar to a shopping cart in many major grocery chains. The bikes are seldom stolen, and the program pays for itself with saved money from street repairs, traffic signals and traffic enforcement, or rental fees if it is a rental program. This type of program decreases traffic congestion and increases air quality as well.

clip_image001[1] Bike Infrastructure– Where I live there are no bicycle lanes, it is nearly impossible to get anywhere on bike. Some cities have signals and lanes just for the bicyclists, in exchange the bicyclists have to add things such as pedal powered turn signals and headlights to their bikes. The shared safety makes it better for the bike rider and the car driver and adds jobs in the implementation and support function. And again let’s not forget the reduction in street maintenance needed, less costly repairs, less often!

clip_image001[2] Bicycle Production – My bike was made overseas, it was a gift some time ago before I had the conscious I do today. But when I do get a new bike someday, I will buy an American made bike (or locally made, if you live in another country). There is a great company right here in New York called Worksman Cycles, quality is important, but so is proximity to your home, if you live in NY Worksman Cycles has both.

clip_image001[3] Transportation Sustainability Research – What if no one drove their cars for one day a year? or Two? How much pollution and congestion could we save? more research is needed for better bike designs and ideas. What about a 4 seater that can go 35 or 40 miles an hour with electric assist? Add a solar panel and four commuters with a conscience and BAM you have year round safe and clean solution!

clip_image001[4] Cottage Industry – As bicycle repairs, production and customization increase, so will the industries that fulfill those needs. Jobs are mostly created by small businesses, and what better small business than a bike shop? There is little waste and we can improve it as it grows.

So there you go, some ideas to improve the economy and think ahead.

We need to prepare our economy and way of life for a sustainable future!

Nature Uncategorized

Nature Break Video

Take A Break Daily And Enjoy The Earth

Environmentalism Green Energy Self-Reliability Sustainability

Five Ways To Save Money AND The Planet



Times are hard, and sometimes so is household  budgeting. So here are some tips to save you money AND save the planet!


This vampire had  a lot of power...over "tweens"
This vampire had a lot of power…over “tweens”


  5) Fight “vampire power”Vampire power is also known as standby power and phantom load. Many gadgets and appliances waste energy  just by being plugged in (even if they’re switched off). According to the Energy Information Administration  vampire power costs consumers up to $10 Billion a year in the United States alone!  So how do you fight vampires? Here are a few suggestions: Unplug things you do not use often, such as the microwave or DVD player, if thats not really an option, go to plan B. Below are some “Smart Strip” power sources, for about $30 or $40 once, you can save possibly hundreds per year. (the average is $200 per year wasted). Here’s a good place to get an estimate with a web app at Vampire Power Sucks.






4) Recycle bottles, cans, newspapers, etc. – This seems like a no brainer, and recyling is up roughly 16% since 1990, but since that last big jump it has stayed at a pretty steady 30%. If your broke most metals will bring a small but welcome extra income.







                                                                               3) Reduce your food waste/intake – The New York Times reports that the average American wastes 1400 calories of food per day! The daily caloric intake of most people should be about 2000 calories, but often we exceed this, this is especially true for men. In America alone there are over 50 million hungry people. So the math seems easy, 300 million Americans – 50 million hungry = 250 million, if each of these 250 million saves their 1400 calories of wasted food, that leaves  7000 calories per hungry person. That is so much food that we could feed parts of Mexico, which would help end the horrors taking place down there, and the illegal immigration problem would be eased as well, all by reducing food waste. So how do we do this, well first, eat less, especially meat as it is resource intensive. Second use all of what you buy, eat leftovers, shop carefully, control your food more carefully overall from store/garden to plate. And lastly eat out less, restaurants waste TONS of food, so though it may not be what consumer society would suggest, it is the better choice for the Earth, your bank account,  and those who are hungry.





2) Drive less – This is a simple one, walk, take a bike, take the bus, carpool or even take a scooter. Gas is expensive, cars are tough to maintain and kill the planet, ’nuff said.





1)  Grow your own food – This is habitually my number one tip! Raised beds, bay window spice garden, greenhouses or even just a “hoop house” can produce a significant amount of food and spices for your family. If you find that you cannot do this, try finding a Community Supported Agriculture club in your area, you can usually get a lot of fresh, organic food at a good price.






Tell the FBI Hands Off Activists

As Activists Are Seen As The New “Terrorists”, Can Activism Survive?

Lets get in the way back machine and visit 1981, the era of preppies and parachute pants. It’s at this time, the height of the Cold War that a former Governor of California, an actor named Ronald Reagan, became president ushering in the beginning of an era of politics and international relations which has carried on into the present. When the Reagan administration came into power over 30 years ago it declared that the war against international terrorism would be the core of U.S. foreign policy. Reagan was intending to replace the failing communists with terrorists as a uniting enemy, though no one could have seen what it could become.

Now we can fast forward past wars in Nicaragua, and Panama, the DEA Para-military tactics in the War On Drugs, and September 11th and the PATRIOT ACT to get to 2005.

In 2005, things get worse yet when John Lewis, an FBI deputy assistant director and top official in charge of domestic terrorism, said:


“The No. 1 domestic terrorism threat is the eco-terrorism [and] animal-rights movement,”


The resulting disproportionate, oppressive government attack on the animal rights and environmental movements, and the reckless use of the word “terrorism,” is often called the Green Scare.


So if you hate fracking, love bunnies and nature, or even operate a website that says you dislike environmental destruction, you may be a potential terrorist, and a target of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI can even tap your cell phone with no warrant.

Here at FutureFarming.Org we of course do not condone terror tactics; maybe some people can rationalize violence against people, but we cannot. Property destruction and releasing animals is also not a practice that we undertake, but these are really matter for a local police force, not the FBI. The bigger picture here is that a very small percentage of activists in environmental and animal rights groups are actually trying to cause any damage, destruction, or death; in fact, most want to prevent deaths of animals. So whether you think these are misguided people, or wish you could do it yourself, everyone can agree that FBI SWAT teams and a “Big Brother” surveillance state are not needed. Often when eco-terrorists, or really most terrorists, are caught, it is not the Department of Justice’s work that gets them; it’s concerned citizens. And then all of us activists have to pay for a few people’s crimes. It is against our Bill of Rights that says we are to be secure and have no unlawful searches and seizures, it’s against our right to peaceably assemble, and it’s against our rights to freedom of speech.


By passing laws like The Animal Enterprise Protection Act the federal Government has made it illegal to have any form of civil disobedience against say animal testing labs such as Huntingdon Labs. The damage done by eco-terrorists was already illegal so really no new bill was needed. When the law passed, environmental and civil rights groups cautioned that its vague language could open the floodgates to prosecution of non-violent activists. They noted that causing “the loss of any property”, which is the vague wording of the bill, is the objective of any boycott or sustained activist campaign against industry: if activist campaigns didn’t hurt profits, corporations would never pay attention. Provisions for restitution of lost revenues are a specific part of the law, and such previsions defeat the entire purpose of activists’ actions. Bus boycotts and lunch counter sit-ins in the 1960s probably caused a loss of property for those businesses, which is precisely why they were key tactics in the civil rights movement.


Peace activists, environmental activists, and even labor activists have become the major target of these “terrorism” investigations. The objective of animal industry groups, corporations, and the politicians that represent them is not to merely prevent vandalism and theft: it is to neutralize a threat to their profits and their power, to silence dissent. The very thing that the FBI and the federal Government are professing to prevent is the very thing they are using, terrorism. Raids on houses using military tactics against people who are trying to follow in the American tradition of Martin Luther King Jr., and Howard Zinn are ridiculous surely, but even more so they are anti-American witch hunts akin to McCarthy era demagoguery and its time they stop. Activism is American, and the best way to tell our officials what we want. So call or write your Congressional representative, Senators, and the FBI and tell them no more spying, lying and demagoguery*!







* dem·a·gogue n

1.a political leader who gains power by appealing to people’s emotions and prejudices rather than their rationality ancient times, a popular leader who represented the ordinary people


1. to act like a demagogue in gaining power by appealing to people’s emotions and prejudices

2. to elicit people’s emotional and prejudicial biases on an issue


Environmentalism Fracking

Shocking Admission About Fracking


Officials with the Marcellus Shale drilling industry made a shocking admission in mid April, 2011, though it went greatly unnoticed in America.

The president of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, which represents natural gas companies, said the group now believes the natural gas industry is partly responsible for rising levels of contaminants found in area drinking water in Pennsylvania.

So now all of the “produced” (polluted) water that they make at Pennsylvania fracking sites will be either reused when possible, or sent to Ohio for disposal in a deep disposal well when it its just to toxic to reuse.

Only July 1st the current horizontal fracking ban in NY will will expire. Bromide, heavy metals, and in the Marcellus Shale especially radiation from uranium, will be strewn everywhere.

A regional rally to ban fracking will be held on June 25th, its is called the “Day of Action”. You can find out more at


Fracking Green Energy Sustainability

Top Ten Reasons Not To Frack Up America

Hydraulic fracturing is a controversial drilling technique that injects millions of tons of highly toxic chemical fluids into the ground to break apart shale and release natural gas. Even while scientists believe these chemicals may already be poisoning America’s drinking water, the natural gas industry has unleashed a massive 34-state drilling campaign. So here are the top ten reasons why NOT to frack in New York, or anywhere.

10. The Old Paradigm

If we just drill for more fossil fuels, we are only putting off the inevitable, and destroying the environment for short-term gains and profits. We need to develop affordable and sustainable forms of energy; simply finding another finite substitute for oil will only continue the old paradigm and drill us deeper into this insane hole of unsustainability. “Clean” natural gas, during harvesting or use, is a lie!

9. Experts Say Beware

Ronald E. Bishop, Ph.D., CHO who is part of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at the State University of New York, College at Oneonta wrote:

“Over the last decade, operators in the natural gas industry have developed highly sophisticated methods and materials for the exploration and production of methane from unconventional reservoirs. In spite of the technological advances made to date, these activities pose significant chemical and biological hazards to human health and ecosystem stability.”

This is from Dr. Bishops January 2011 “draft” paper Chemical and Biological Risk Assessment for Natural Gas Extraction in New York. France is on track to ban hydraulic fracturing altogether for reasons just like these.

8. Well Pads of Destruction

When hydrofracked and drilled horizontally, wells require large, industrial pad sites, this includes new roads to each well, compressor, and any other access points (such as water). Depending on how many wellheads it will contain, a pad will need to range from 5-15 acres, and of course anything in the way gets destroyed.

7. Noise Pollution


With natural gas production wells have temporary noise pollution from drilling and fracking that will last about a month per well. After the well is set, compressor stations will be needed for every 100 or so wells in order to bring the gas pressure. Compressor stations are permanent, extremely noisy, and run day and night. Not to mention the next category, traffic.

6. Traffic

The considerable amount of trucks needed, 800 to 1500 (avg of 960) loads of water, materials, chemicals, and equipment will ruin small towns and take a huge toll on public roads. The large scale of development planned for the Marcellus, and the fact that it must be fracked, translates to dramatic increases in traffic compared to that generated by drilling conventional wells.

5. Toxic Waste

The “produced water” from the Marcellus Shale is toxic waste. “Produced Water” is the industry term to sanitize this noxious, polluted water. This is a separate category from the fracking fluids because besides the added chemicals, the water picks up hydrocarbons, heavy metals like arsenic, and radioactivity from the shale and becomes even worse than the mix that goes in. In fact a study at the University of Buffalo found hydraulic fracturing causes uranium that is naturally trapped inside Marcellus shale to be released. According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, billions of gallons of waste water will be “produced” and will need to be trucked to a disposal site. The most common method of dumping will be Deep Well Injection Disposal, where the waste is forced underground at high pressure into dry gas wells. We take gas out and pump toxic, radioactive waste back in.

4. Air Pollution

Each well site emits constant and signifigant air pollution. Pollution comes from diesel generators, drill rigs, trucks and other equipment, condensate tanks and the flaring of wells. These are all significant sources of VOC’s and nitrogen oxide, which react with sunlight to form ozone. Proposed Marcellus Shale drilling in New York will be high density. In high-density drilling areas in Colorado and Wyoming, rural communities that were once pristine now have ozone levels higher than Los Angeles. Ozone can cause a range of respiratory health problems and lung disease.

3. Danger of Explosions and Spills

A fracking well in Canton, Pennsylvania exploded, spilling thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals over farms, fields and the private property of local families for about 48 hours. The chemicals even flowed into a creek that connects to the Susquehanna River. Unfortunately, because of Dick Cheney’s “Halliburton loophole” for the oil and gas industry, the corporation that runs the well, Chesapeake Energy Corporation, is under no legal obligation to pay for their mess or for the medical expenses of the people that may suffer health problems as a result.

2. Fracking Fluids

Fluid technology for shale gas recovery is mostly owned by Halliburton, you know the guys that messed up the concrete on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and helped cause one of the largest environmental disasters in the world.

Halliburton classifies the fracking fluids as proprietary, this means it’s a trade secret, so they cant be disclosed without damaging the company. Except those in Halliburton involved in fracking, nobody knows for sure what is in these chemicals. Just the ones we do know are horrible and possibly catastrophic. Samples from well blowouts and fluids pits in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico found fluids to contain diesel fuel and more than 200 different kinds of chemicals, over 95% of which have adverse side effects including brain damage, birth defects and cancer.

1. Water Usage

Fracking requires extremely large quantities of fresh water, which the world is running out of. It is feasible that son water could be just as valuable as natural gas or oil. Fracking the requires many billions of gallons of water over decades. It takes 2 to 9 MILLION gallons per frack, and each well can be fractured 4 to 10 times (avg. of 6). This water can be withdrawn from lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, ponds, and wells. Because the water becomes contaminated, it may never be returned to the watershed, rain cycle, or the water supply for some of America’s largest population centers. And there is always the chance of water contamination; Halliburton and Trans Ocean said it would not happen in the Gulf of Mexico too. Fracking is exempt from the Clean Water Act, due to the aforementioned “Halliburton loophole”


How to help:

We have been on the fracking issue a lot here lately, that is because in our state of New York there has been a temporary ban on horizontal hydrofracking pending an environmental review, that ban is about to either end, or be renewed, so the fight is going strong here. The environmental report does not come out until 2012, so the moratorium is needed until at least then, we hope forever. We are up against millions of dollars in energy company advertisements and bribes, so donations are always welcome.

But even if you have no money, please write to, President Obama, your Governor, Senators, Congresspeople, and even your state Senators and local representatives, and tell them that you aren’t willing to sacrifice Americas water supply for a scant number of temporary jobs, a tiny share of the of money, and a whole lot of hot air from the energy companies. The State Senate and Gov. Cuomo renewing the temporary ban on horizontal hydraulic fracturing in New York is a big chance to deal a gigantic blow to fracking in America, and gain enough time to put a permanent ban in place. It also shows that everyone in any state CAN win.

If you fill out this form, we will print the letter on FSC certified recycled paper and send it to Gov. Cuomo, your Senator, Congressperson, or President Obama, for you, for free.

If you live in New York State:

You may also contact the Governor’s office by phone (518) 474-8390

or mail:

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

State Senators can be contacted here:

Please see your states website for more information outside of NY.

Environmentalism Fracking Green Energy

No Fracking Way – Keep Fracking BAN In NY